The CalPERS website contains health benefit information. Your campus benefit website contains dental benefit information. You also may obtain dental benefit information on the CSYou Intranet site.
Health Care Dependent Re-Verification
Notify your benefit office immediately of any qualifying event that occurs during the re-verification period, such as divorce or termination of domestic partnership. In these situations, the dependent should be removed due to the qualifying event rather than ineligibility found during the re-verification.
The DRV is separate from the process to recertify a PCR dependent or a disabled child age 26 and over. Follow the instructions on these notices to recertify these dependents.
You should contact your benefit office immediately if you wish to remove a dependent due to a "permissive qualifying event" (e.g., family member obtains non-CalPERS health benefits, family member enters military, custody change for child under age 18, or child reaches age 18). The dependent should be removed due to a qualifying permissive event rather than ineligibility found during the re-verification process.
If your child's 26th birth date coincides with your re-verification cycle, CalPERS will administratively remove your child from health benefits on the birth date. Your benefit office will remove your child from dental benefits, if enrolled.
If you provide re-verification documents for dis-enrolled, eligible dependents after receiving the final CalPERS notice during your birth month but before the re-verification due date, your campus benefit office may rescind the dependent deletion. You may incur an accounts receivable for the unpaid premium for the month after your birth month.
HMS securely destroyed the documents received during the DEV project to protect the privacy of you and your family members.
Providing a copy of the documents for the initial DRV cycle will enable a more direct process for your campus benefit office to re-verify your family members. Benefit offices will keep all documents used in the DRV process in your benefit file without a purge date. In subsequent re-verifications, you need not provide birth certificates for natural-born children or adoption certificates for adopted children again.
You will be responsible for any charge related to obtaining copies of the required documents.
The first document establishes the life event allowing the enrollment of the dependent (i.e., marriage or registering as domestic partners), while the second required document substantiates the relationship is current.