Training and Workshops

CSU Learn

CSU Learn is a Learning Management System (LMS) adopted by the California State University.  CSU Learn allows our campus to assign and track compliance training courses in addition to providing access to over 75,000 online lessons, videos, e-books, and classes for professional development.

Need help or have questions? We are here to help! Please review the information below, check out our FAQs, or contact us at

Accessing CSU Learn

Employees can access CSU Learn by clicking the link below and logging in with their SSU credentials, or via the SSU Online Services portal by clicking on the CSU Learn tile. Note that new employees will have access to CSU Learn and be assigned training approximately three days after hire. 

Direct link to CSU Learn

  • Only use Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox browsers on a computer. CSU Learn does not work on Internet Explorer, Safari, or Microsoft Edge
  • CSU Learn is not compatible on mobile devices.
  • Ensure your pop-up and ad blockers have been disabled and keep any background windows open so that CSU Learn can accurately measure and record your progress.

CSU Learn Assistance

For assistance with CSU Learn, please visit the Cal State Training Resources website or the "Training" section of the Frequently Asked Questions page of the Human Resources website. Please email if additional support is required and include any relevant information such as training course name and screenshots.

Accessibility Information

CSU Learn/SumTotal is fully accessible. The CSU and SumTotal are committed to a universal user experience and have made tremendous strides in this area. If you have any questions regarding the accessibility statement, please reach out to the L&D team at so we can assist you. 

Direct Link to CSU Learn Accessibility Statement (Log In Required)

Compliance Training Assignments

The California State University requires that employees take certain courses to comply with state and university requirements that are driven by federal law, state law, or CSU Policy. All Sonoma State employees, including faculty, staff, and student employees, are required to complete compliance training courses on CSU Learn  as part of their job duties. While there are several compliance trainings which are required of all Sonoma State employees, employees may be assigned additional trainings based on their role, job, or other factors, such as use of a Procurement Card. Training completed at another CSU campus can be applied to requirements at Sonoma State- email for more information.

CSU Learn automatically assigns and tracks training. Employees will be notified by email when a training has been assigned or is due to be retaken. Employees can also monitor their training by logging directly into CSU Learn via the SSU Online Services portal page and checking their assigned learning tab and their training transcript. New employees gain access to CSU Learn approximately three days after their start date and will receive notification emails once they have access.

Employees on leave are not required to complete training, but should consult with their Appropriate Administrator to complete training upon their return.

Please review the information below on required training courses. Note that this list is not exhaustive and is subject to change.

Chancellor’s Office Required Training

  • Avoiding Conflicts of Interest assigned to designated COI employees, due every two years
  • Clery Activities for Campus Security Authorities assigned to Campus Security Authorities, due annually
  • Data Security and FERPA assigned to all employees, due every two years
  • Discrimination and Harassment Prevention Program for Supervisors assigned to all MPPs and Administrators, designated Leads, and all non-MPPs who currently or have the ability to lead or supervise co-workers or students, due every two years
  • Discrimination and Harassment Prevention Program for Non-Supervisors assigned to all non-MPPs/Administrators who do not qualify to take the Supervisor version
  • Gender Equity and Title IX assigned to all employees, due annually
  • HIPAA: Protecting Patient Privacy assigned to those who have access to protected medical information, due annually
  • Injury Illness Prevention Program assigned to all employees, due every three years
  • Workplace Violence Prevention Plan assigned all employees, due every annually

Environmental Health and Safety Required Training

Please contact Sonoma State's Environmental Health and Safety department for questions on EHS training and requirements.

  • Back Safety and Injury Prevention assigned to all employees, due once upon hire
  • Defensive Driving Fundamentals assigned to all staff, due every four years
  • Ergonomics in the Workplace assigned to all employees, due once upon hire
  • Fire Safety and Prevention Program assigned to all employees, due once upon hire
  • Hazard Communication assigned to all employees, frequency varies depending on position
  • Heat Illness Prevention Program assigned to all employees, frequency varies depending on position
  • Storm Water Pollution Prevention assigned to all employees, frequency varies depending on position

Sonoma State University Required Training

  • SSU Absence Management Self Service Training for Employees assigned to all employees, due once upon hire
  • SSU Absence Management Self Service Training for Managers assigned to all MPPs, due once upon hire
  • SSU Policies and Programs assigned to benefits eligible employees, due once

Professional Development

CSU Learn is more than just compliance training. SSU Employees have access to over 75,000 online lessons, videos, e-books, and classes! Employees can brush up on their Project Management skills, further their understanding of Excel, strengthen their business writing abilities, work towards a professional certification and more. To get started, check out some of the opportunities below.

Professional Development Bundles
CSU Learns offers Professional Development Bundles, curated topical playlists of resources including video courses, books, audio summaries, and more. With over 700 to choose from, you can explore a wide variety of topics such as Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, Project Management, Data and Analytics, Communication Essentials, Marketing, Agile, and Python, in addition to bundles focusing on software and apps such as Adobe, Google, and Microsoft. 
Aspire Journeys
Career-focused learning paths with specialized tracks designed to develop critical skills with a diverse array of learning tools including videos, books, and audio summaries. Choose a specific track or complete the whole journey!
Follow the links below and then filter by "Journey" once in CSU Learn.
Certification Prep Materials
Review prep materials for over 90 certification exams, including Agile Project Manager Bootcamp, Certified Business Analysis Professional, Green Belt, and Senior Professional in Human Resources.
And More!
Additional content in the areas of Business Operations, Professional Improvement, Customer Service, Project Management, and more can be found in the CSU Learn library by navigating to the Library and then Skill Soft Percipio Content subcategory.


Empathia Professional Development Workshops

Spring 2025 Information Coming Soon


CSU's Got Talent Webcasts

All CSU staff and faculty are invited to attend free systemwide professional development webcast trainings offered by the CSU Systemwide Professional Development. Click here to download the full schedule.
Can't make a date or want to watch previous webcasts? You are welcome to view previous CSU’s Got Talent recordings on CSU Learn! Link to CSU's Got Talent Recordings on CSU Learn.

All sessions are 10-11am

February 19th
Smart Decisions: The Crucial Role of Data Literacy in AU
Presented by Jen Hood
March 11th
The Power of Empathy in Our Interactions With Others
Presented by: Dr. Jose I. Rodriguez
April 15th
Business Writing in the Age of AI: Risks and Rules for AI Tools
Presented by Nancy Flynn
May 14th
Intercultural Creativity: The Ace Up Your Sleeve for the Future of Work
Presented by Genein Letford, M.Ed
June 17th
Positive Accountability: A Team Environment Where Everyone Can Count on Each Other
Presented by Mark Samuel

CSU Cross Campus Collaboration

More information coming soon!