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Affirmative Action Plan

It is the policy of Sonoma State University (hereon referred to as the University) to support an environment free of unlawful discrimination in any of the University's programs or activities of education and employment. Accordingly, discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex (including sexual harassment and sexual assault), sexual orientation, marital status, pregnancy, age, disability, medical condition and covered veteran status is prohibited. Under this policy, no person shall be treated differently and/or excluded from participation in, denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination in any of the University's programs or activities, including admissions, access, and employment. Acts of discrimination interfere with a student's or an employee's work or educational performance and create an atmosphere of intimidation, low morale and hostility that the University will not tolerate.

Students, staff, faculty and administrators are regularly informed of the University's policies and procedures regarding discrimination and sexual harassment/sexual assault policies and complaint procedures. In addition, all supervisors are regularly informed of their responsibility regarding complaints made against those whom they supervise.

Equal employment and educational opportunity are observed in the administration, housing, and education of students; in policies governing programs and extracurricular activities; and in the employment of faculty, staff and students. The University is committed to increasing the diversity of its faculty, staff, administrators, and students to mirror the increasing diversity of the State of California.

The University's 2020/2021 Affirmative Action Plan can be viewed by following this link 2020/2021 Affirmative Action Plan  or in-person at the Human Resources office. Please email ERC to request appointment.

CSU Executive Order 1088 Systemwide Guidelines for Affirmative Action Programs in Employment.

Campus and Systemwide contacts are listed below for those seeking more information or interested in filing a report.

Sonoma State Campus Contacts

  • SSU Title IX Compliance Office- Phone: 707-664-4140, E-mail:
  • DHR Administrator- Julie Vivas, Title IX Officer and Senior Director of the Office for the Prevention of Harassment and Discrimination- Phone: 707-664-2480, Email:
  • Human Resources Whistleblower Contact- Erin Taylor, Director of Employee and Labor Relations- Phone: 707-664-2212, Email:
CSU Systemwide Contacts