Classification and Compensation
Employment Services responds to request for classification review and in-range progression, answers classification and compensation questions from staff and Appropriate Administrators, and administers staff salary programs.
Guidelines for In-range Progression
An in-range progression is an increase within a salary range for a single classification or within a sub-range of a classification with skill levels for those employees covered by bargaining units containing this provision. In-range progression increases are available to employees represented by the California State University Employees Union (CSUEU), the Academic Professionals of California (APC), Teamsters Local 2010, and the State University Police Association (SUPA). The In-range Progression Review Request form can be found on the Human Resources Forms page.
An in-range progression increase request may be submitted by the appropriate administrator in the form of a memo to Employment Services documenting the basis for the request. In cases where duties or required skills and abilities have increased, a revised job description is also required.
Employees represented by collective bargaining units 2, 5, 7, and 9 in the CSUEU may, in accordance with Article 20.24 of the collective bargaining agreement, initiate a request for an in-range progression. The request should be on the In-Range Progression Request Form, documenting the basis for the request, with relevant supporting documents attached, and directed to the appropriate administrator. The appropriate administrator will forward the request to Employment Services for review. In accordance with Article 20.24, an employee initiated in-range progression review and decision shall be completed within ninety (90) days after the request is received in Employment Services.
APC Salary Reopener Agreement, article 23.11, dictates that for employees represented by collective bargaining unit 4, “A request for an in-range progression review may be submitted by the employer or manager. Employee initiated in-range progression requests shall be submitted to Human Resources.”
Employees represented by collective bargaining unit 6 in the Teamsters Local 2010 can initiate the request in any written format. Additional relevant supporting documents may also be submitted. The request can be forward to appropriate administrator to be routed to HR or to the HR office directly.
To ensure consistency, Employment Services may incorporate, as part of the initial determination process, a review of the job description, a review of similar positions elsewhere on campus or within the system, and a review of salary data for comparable positions outside the CSU.
All in-range progression salary increases are funded by campus funds only. Appropriate funding must be available to support such salary increases.
In-range progression increases require approval by the Dean/Director for the School or Cluster. Final approval of an in-range progression is made by the division Vice President and the President. If an in-range progression increase is denied, the employee will be so notified in writing by the President’s designee. The decision of the President regarding the award of an in-range progression shall be final and shall not be subject to either a grievance or complaint.
Additional Information
The Classification Standards and the CSU Salary Schedule are listed on the Additional Resources page.