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Retirement Plans

The Payroll and Benefits Office provides automatic enrollment for eligible employees in the California Public Employees Retirement System (CalPERS), or the Part time, Seasonal and Temporary (PST) Plans. General information is available on each of these plans, along with how to obtain a refund after you are no longer employed at Sonoma State University.

Any account specific questions can be answered by calling CalPERS at 888-CalPER or PST through Savings Plus at 855-616-4SPN.

CalPERS Retirement Workshops


The CalPERS Retirement Planning Workshops are routinely conducted in the Sonoma County area and on Campus. Please check our main Payroll page as we update it when new sessions are scheduled on our Campus. Additionally you can request to attend a workshop off site. Forms must be received at CalPERS prior to the workshops that are held off campus. Enrollment is easy. It's free! Each 2-hour workshop is conducted in a small group setting. Choose one of the following methods to make your reservation.

Call CalPERS toll free at 1-888-225-7377 or the San Francisco Regional Office at (415) 369-8501.

Retiree Benefits

Upon retirement from CalPERS, the Payroll and Benefits Office provides employees with the Benefit Summary Information for Retiring Employees which covers the changes that will be made to the health, dental and vision plans, as well as some voluntary plans and deductions, as you transition into retirement. Information about available plans can be found in  the CSU Retiree Benefits Booklet.

The Chancellor’s Office also has a web-page dedicated to the CSU Retirees:

Retirees are encouraged to stay involved with SSU after retirement. For additional questions, please contact the Payroll and Benefits Office at (707) 664-2793 or