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Health, Dental, and Vision Coverage

As a new benefit-eligible employee, learn more about the exceptional array of benefits for CSU employees and their dependents. Visit the CSU Employee Benefits Summary page for the most up-to-date program information.

Enrollment in any of the CSU's health or dental plans must be made within 60 days of the appointment. Coverage will be effective the 1st of the month after the pay period of hire and following receipt of the Benefit Enrollment/Change Worksheet.

A summary of available plans and corresponding Evidence of Coverage can be found on the CalPERS website. Additional information, including contact information and physician/hospital directories, can be accessed below. Refer to the 2025 Health Care and Insurance Monthly Premium Rate Chart for current plan year premiums. Visit our annual benefits open enrollment page for updates to plan information for the following plan year.

For assistance with the worksheet or general questions about plan options, please contact the Payroll and Benefits Office at (707) 664-2793 or

An optional FlexCash program is also available, which allows eligible employees to waive CSU medical and/or dental insurance coverage in exchange for cash, provided the employee has other employer-sponsored, non-CSU coverage.

Health Providers

2025 Health Benefit Summary

Dental Providers

Vision Plan
