What re-verification documents are required?

Required Documents by Dependent Type
Dependent Type Required Re-verification Documents

Spouse or Domestic Partner

A copy of the marriage certificate or domestic partnership registration filed with the California Secretary of State or a comparable agency in another jurisdiction listing the family member as the domestic partner.


A copy of the first page of the employee's federal or state income tax return from the previous tax year listing the employee and the spouse or domestic partner.


A combination of other documentation, including but not limited to, a household bill, account statement, or insurance policy listing the name and address of the employee and the spouse or domestic partner, or other documents that substantiate the existence of a current marriage or domestic partnership. Household bills and account statements older than 60 calendar days are unacceptable.

Natural-born Children

A copy of the birth certificate naming the employee as the parent.

Adopted Children

A copy of the adoption certificate naming the employee as the parent.


A copy of the birth certificate naming the employee's current spouse as the parent.

Domestic Partner Children

A copy of the birth certificate naming the employee's current domestic partner as the parent.