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Benefit Services

The CSU offers eligible employees an exceptional array of benefits for administrators, faculty, staff, and their dependents.  Providing timely service and issue resolution for all employees and their dependents is a priority.  We know that reviewing your benefits can be an overwhelming experience.  That’s why we have provided a variety of resource information to help you understand the rules, guidelines and deadlines governing the CSU Benefits Program. 

You will find a wealth of information on this website.  Some of our links will take you to the CSU Systemwide Benefits web-page at the Chancellor’s Office for the most up-do-date program information.  Every effort has been made to provide you with the information you need to make informed decisions about your benefits.

If there is a discrepancy between this information and the official plan documents and contracts, the official documents will always govern.

Affordable Care Act (ACA):

ACA is a significant overhaul of the US healthcare system. The primary objective is to decrease the number of uninsured individuals and reduce overall healthcare costs. All employees have the option of buying health insurance through an insurance exchange which in California is known as Covered California. Covered California is available to individuals that are not eligible or do not have access to health insurance. They have a menu of affordable health insurance options to choose from.

ACA requires all individuals to have health insurance effective January 1, 2014. In addition, all health plans must comply with ACA guidelines that prohibit individuals to be denied coverage due to having a pre-existing health condition and waiting periods for insurance may not exceed 90 days. Employers will be required to offer affordable coverage to all employees working an average of 30 hours per week and implement specific IRS reporting requirements effective January 1, 2015.

The Payroll and Benefits Office is actively working to evaluate our employees to determine if they meet the new benefit requirements under ACA and those will be offered medical coverage or the option to enroll in FlexCash in lieu of medical coverage. Eligible employees will receive notification regarding enrollment.

Dependent Eligibility Verification (DEV):

Effective 2018, employees must verify dependent eligibility every three years. The Dependent Re-verification (DRV) is the process of re-verifying the eligibility of your spouse, domestic partner, children, stepchildren, and domestic partner children (family members) enrolled for CalPERS health and CSU dental benefits. For more information about the process visit our Health Care Dependent Re-Verification FAQ page.

Open Enrollment

Open Enrollment is your annual opportunity to review and update your current benefits for the upcoming year. You can enroll, change or cancel CalPERS health, dental, vision, Flex cash, Dependent Care Reimbursement (DCRA), Health Care Reimbursement (HCRA) or voluntary benefits plans. Visit our annual benefits open enrollment page for updates to providers, rates, and coverage. Open enrollment takes place each fall with changes becoming effective January 1st of the following year.