The CSU Systemwide Telecommuting Program provides a general framework for telecommuting (for CSUEU, APC, MPP/C99/E99 employees). The following guidelines provide more specific information on how the program will be implemented at Sonoma State University.
- The consideration of the job responsibilities should be paramount when determining the appropriateness of approving a telecommuting schedule for an employee.
- Similar positions within a department should be treated similarly. Similar positions within a department should be given the same opportunity to partially telework and share the same expectation of return to campus.
- Telecommuting schedules are expected to consist of at least three, pre-identified work days per week on campus.
- Full-time telecommuting will only be approved under extraordinary circumstances and when it serves the interests of the university. Approval will be made by the Division head.
- Once a telecommuting schedule is agreed upon by the supervisor, department head, and the Division head, the schedule applies for the duration of the agreement. If an employee is unable to be at the work location due to illness, care of a family member or pre-approved vacation, they are required to use leave credits as applicable.
- Completed telecommuting agreements should be submitted to Human Resources via to be reviewed and placed in the employee’s personnel file.
- Telecommuting agreements may be altered or terminated with sufficient written notice (twenty-one (21) calendar days (or less by mutual agreement)). Potential reasons for amending the telecommuting agreement could be changes to staffing and coverage needs, changes to job responsibilities, business needs not being met, etc. Telecommuting agreements should not be modified due to vacation or illness of the employee or a family member.
- Any telecommuting requests due to an employee’s disability should be referred to Human Resources to consult with the employee and provide information regarding an ADA accommodation review.
- The University will not incur expenses to provide additional devices, equipment, or technology upgrades for telecommuting employees.
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