ES Forms
Applicant Authorization and Release Form
Applicant release of employment information for reference checks.
Reference Check Certification Form
CSU Policy HR 2015-08.11.A.3 requires Sonoma State University to contact current and former employers to verify a candidate's work history and skills prior to making a final offer of employment.
Unconscious Bias and Confidentiality Agreement
Must be signed by each member of a staff/mpp search advisory committee and returned to Human Resources.
Staff Transactions
Application for Emergency Hire and Short Term Appointment for Staff Employment
For Emergency Hire positions, Short Term appointments, Special Consultants, and Casual Workers. An online application is required for all positions posted on the Sonoma State University Job Opportunities page.
Classification Review Request
For represented employees.
In-Range Progression Review Request
For represented employees.
Labor Cost Distribution
Required to change the distribution of labor cost for an existing appointment.
MPP Position Description
MPP Position description template.
Personnel Action Form (PAF)
Must be completed to make changes to an employee’s position including emergency hire, reclassification, pay increase, reappointment, reassignment, time base change, etc.
Staff Position Description
Staff Position description template.
Special Consutants
Special Consultant Agreement Form
All state non-faculty employees (current CSU, former CSU, or other state agency) must be paid as a Staff Special Consultant (4660 or 4662). Please review the Special Consultant Processing Guidelines for applicable non-faculty employment.
Student Assistant Employment
Application for Student Employment
Required for all new student assistants. To be submitted to hiring department.
Student Assistant Evaluation
Optional evaluation form to be used to document requested pay increases or as a tool to provide feedback on performance.
Student Employment Form (SEF)
Must be completed to make changes to a student assistant’s employment including hire, salary change, etc.
Parent Consent Form
Volunteer release form for minors
Volunteer Background Check Form
Background check authorization form
Associated Students
Independent Contractor Review Form
The Independent Contractor Review (ICR) must be approved by HR prior to work being performed. An approved ICR must be submitted at the time of eReq.
Outside Employment Form
Must be completed by MPP pursuant to Section 42740 of Title 5, California Code of Regulations.
Outside Employment Form for Executive Employees
Must be completed by Executive employees (President and VPs) pursuant to Section 42740 of Title 5, California Code of Regulations.
Sonoma State Acronym Guide
This guide is provided as a resource to help members of our campus community determine what commonly used acronyms on campus stand for.